2023-04-26 - WG meeting at IACHEC conferencemeeting
2023-02-10 - WG meeting on zoom
Meeting Time: 1300 UT | ||
5am PST (Los Angeles) | 8am EST (New York) | 1pm GMT (Leicester) |
2pm CET (Madrid) | 6:30pm IST (Mumbai) | 10pm JST (Tokyo) |
- XRISM calibration plans - Eric Miller
- coordinating observatory data availability / processing (PDF slides)
- XRISM scheduling - Chris Baluta
- communication paths between scheduling teams
- 2023 multi-mission coordinated calibration campaign (3C 273) - All
Documents for the meeting:
Eric's slides PDF
Draft XRISM in-flight calibration target schedule (case study assuming mid-May 2023 launch) Text File
Draft XRISM in-flight calibration target information. PDF
Notes from the meeting:
Attending (in alphabetical order): Lucia Ballo, Chris Baluta, Jacobo Ebrero, Karl Forster, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Elisabeth Jourdain, Michael Loewenstein, Renee Ludlam, Herman Marshall, Eric Miller, Lorenzo Natalucci, Jan-Uwe Ness, Katja Pottschmidt, Celia Sanchez, Michael Smith, Yukikatsu Terada, Stefan Wagner, Josh Wing,
XRISM calibration plans – Eric Miller (PDF slides)
- Presented plans requiring coordinated observations with other observatories
- see "Planning in-flight calibration of XRISM" E.D. Miller et al (2020) SPIE online paper
- Calibration targets are interesting science targets as well
- inclusion of the science team provides understanding of target idiosyncrasies
- First 3 months after launch is a commissioning phase, then:
- 1 month of in-flight calibration
- 6-months PV-phase with calibration observations scattered throughout
On-axis Absolute/Relative effective area calibration - requirement is 10% / 5% for both instruments on-axis
- Generally done with blazars (time variable), in particular 3C 273
- Mrk 421 is too bright for Resolve and 1ES 0229+200 is generally too faint, so although listed, they are not ideal targets
- Fainter targets are good for Xtend (stricter bright source limit compared to Resolve) e.g. 1ES 0033+595
- Simultaneous observations requested: E.g. annual 3C 273 IACHEC campaign (see below)
Timing requirement - 1ms at 1-sigma for highest spectral resolution events (for Resolve)
- Pulsar observation: Crab (primary), three secondary targets
- observations can wait for visibility (not required for PV-phase)
PSF calibration – observe bright sources off-axis and outside field of view
- Using PKS 2155-304 then Cyg X-2 for further outside FOV
- These are variable so request simultaneous coordinated observation
Energy scale and spectral response for each pixel - using raster scan observations of Capella
- Orbital variations (binary velocity) require coordinated observations with Chandra HETG during long XRISM observation
- No need for strict GTI overlap
Coordinated observations mission Points of Contact (PoC) for Calibration Scientists and Operations (scheduling) teams
Mission | Calibration PoC | Operations PoC |
IACHEC | Eric Miller | (Karl Forster) krl _at _ srl.caltech.edu |
Chandra | Paul Plucinsky | Josh Wing jwing _at_ cfs.harvard.edu cxc_coord _at _ cfa.harvard.edu |
NICER | Teruaki Enoto | NICER team nicer-sciplan _at _ bigbang.gsfc.nasa.gov |
NuSTAR | Katja Pottschmidt | Karl Forster krl _at_ srl.caltech.edu |
Swift | TBD | Jamie Kennea and Swift ops team swiftods _at _ swift.psu.edu |
XMM-Newton | Matteo Guainazzi | Lucia Ballo xmmpi _at _ sciops.esa.int |
XRISM | Eric Miller | Chris Baluta cbaluta20 _at _ gmail.com |
- Add possible coordinated observations with INTEGRAL - Eric M. will discuss with Erik Kuulkers and Celia Sanchez - ACTION
- Will need authorization from each coordinated observatory for each observation – ACTION
- Start the process before launch
- Also identify the team members that will analyze the data from the coordinating observatories – should be in place soon.
XRISM Calibration targets
- Some targets may be could be useful to observe during first month after launch when the Be gate valve is closed (absorbs all E < 2 keV and 50% E>2 keV)
Charts of target list and visibility plots (blue primary, orange secondary).
Calibration targets with requested coordinated observations
- Some targets could be useful for both Resolve and Xtend calibration (e.g. similar PSF’s)
- Calibration proposal documents will be made available (e.g. ½ page of details for each target)
ACTION - Plan to organize (multiple?) WG meetings during calibration campaign to discuss progress and any adjustments.
- Also to organize regular scheduling discussions - particularly during PV-phase where there may be many coordinated science observations
After PV-phase
- A plan is being developed by the XRISM instrument teams to determine routine calibration observations during the mission
- Likely to join annual IACHEC multi-mission campaign on 3C 273
- E.g. E0102 / Perseus cluster routinely observed for low / high energy calibration and contamination monitoring
XRISM scheduling process – Chris Baluta
- Determine contact information of schedulers – communication paths
- No planned observations yet for Chandra (need cycle-25 proposal or DDT request) - ACTION
- Weekly schedule upload to spacecraft
- Posted online ~3 weeks in advance
- Response time for ToO’s - minimum of 2 days (3 days for weekend)
Suggest delay of annual IACHEC multi-mission calibration from June 2023 to January 2024 - ACTION
- Chandra, XMM-Newton visibility is good up to 2023-01-14
- Will be discussed at April IACHEC meeting