Location: In a car (TBD)
Safety Precautions:
Safety officer must audibly countdown before the test and ensure that everyone is paying attention
The SO should inspect all test articles prior to initiating the vibration test
If the AV tower falls out of the car, wait for the car to fully stop before allowing anyone to approach the test article
Strict 80 foot keep-out zone from the vehicle must be established, which all test participants must obey. Members should ensure that no bystanders are present. The SO must ensure that no one is in the expected path of the vehicle regardless of distance from the test articles. Mark of the test area (such as with caution tape) or otherwise guard entrances from bystanders.
Call MIT Police 617-253-1212 to report an emergency.
Evaluate whether external vibrations caused avionics equipment to prematurely power on within the tower
Evaluate the reliability of a screw switch as the primary mechanism for turning on avionics components within the AV tower
Validate the manufacturing and integration of our hardware components
Duct tape
Medium-sized cardboard box
Closed toed shoes
Fully assembled AV Tower