TH-1157: Flash Script error in share pane
TH-1170: Performance: Adding a share permission is very slow
TH-1289: Access: Allow multiple selection of users in Share Pane
Share: Allow deletion of multiple permissions
TH-1169: Flash script error: manage users
TH-745: Add User: pane needs to make what is happening clearer
TH-1079: Add user failure: needs error message to explain what has happened.
TH-1215: Organization is undefined if not filled in
TH-1256: UI should display the modifiedby info: who modified the item, as well as when they modified it
TH-1278: Public/Everyone term change
TH-1143: UI and backend needs to figure out a way to deal with deleted and reinstated users
TH-877: Help: Need help files for domain admins
TH-742: Log Analysis Tools
Closed as Wont Fix or Duplicates: