If you would like to open a queue for yourself and/or your team, please contact CRE IT.
- There is a bug in MIT's SN instance which causes the dashboard to hang when you click on the Requestor's name. Click on the Ticket Number to open the ticket details.
- The "Description" field is included in emails to your clients
- When you create a new ticket, an email is not automatically generated to the end user. You need to add a second response, even if it just says "Please see below" to generate the email to the end-user
- You can enable/disable a setting which forces the agent to select a category and service. Categories and services are useful for reporting information, but may not be necessary depending on your use case.
- You can send emails with attachments in the top-right hand corner. These emails will be added to the ticket.
- You can create checklists for TODO lists using the checklist tab.
- You can forward an email to the ingest email address without adding anything to the email body. This will create a ticket using the original sender's email address as the requestor on the ticket.
- Use "Cancelled" status to close junk/spam tickets. This eliminates the need to fill in mandatory fields.