- Store flowchart diagram in a main CRE storage location (not ce2 personal OneDrive Folder)
- Store voicemail recordings in a better location than dropbox.
- Create shared voicemail box for CRE Reception Group (cre-info@mit.edu?)
- Ask Marla how to handle vacations
- Notify staff that old call tree number nuked
- Notify staff that new call tree is finalized
- Add special instructions section on how voicemail is handled
- Under Zoom Settings > Phone > "Others" > Voicemail & Videomail: Add the individual users. We cannot add Moira groups here unfortunately, these can only be Zoom Accounts.
Click the graphic to enlarge it, or visit https://mitprod-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/ce2_mit_edu/ESHG39RlI8xFqeyuURDmh94BTsOXvzdJjVw5ppZEnJeqGA?e=ixNAVo