Shipment #2 (798 items) is wrapped and ready to be picked up.
Ann Marie, Sept 9
Running total of time spent on second batch:
** 4.5 hours to prep 796 volumes (about 20 seconds per item) = includes a quick flip through the pages, erasing marks, removing foreign objects, and reconciling the barcodes with the picklist. We removed 7 bookmarks, loosened pages that were stuck together (mostly by commerical binder's glue) on 9 volumes, and erased a total of 148 pages in 15 volumes. 15 items were misordered on the truck; 3 items were on the truck but not on the picklist, and 2 items were on the picklist but not on the truck.
** Approximately 1.25 hours spent on administrative stuff = email, phone calls, updating wiki, etc.
** Approximately 1 more hour on resolving picklist problems, finalizing & printing picklist, and wrapping trucks.