- The flowchart diagram needs to be stored in a main CRE storage location (not ce2 personal OneDrive Folder)
- Update phone numbers once these are assigned
For the most current flowchart, view https://mitprod-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/ce2_mit_edu/EXJj9VrbXlpHsHliarrerG4Bs5GNxxG4-tK8JmQD5tiS-AESHG39RlI8xFqeyuURDmh94BTsOXvzdJjVw5ppZEnJeqGA?e=XkLf8qixNAVo
The phone systems at CRE utilize MIT's voip infrastructure, which is a combination of MITvoip and Zoom Phone. MITvoip is the authoritative directory for all phone numbers; You log into MITvoip to view/assign the subsystem(s) handling each extension, including physical hardware assignments, Zoom Phone assignments, and so forth. If you wanted to assign another application - such as another PBX - it would likely be done through MITvoip (but we don't have anything like this set up).