The CRE Call Tree is the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system that callers encounter when calling the CRE main number. This article details how the system works and how users get around.
For the most current call treeflowchart, view https://mitprod-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/ce2_mit_edu/EXJj9VrbXlpHsHliarrerG4Bs5GNxxG4-tK8JmQD5tiS-A?e=XkLf8q
The phone systems at CRE utilize MIT's voice systemsvoip infrastructure, which is a combination of voip.mit.edu MITvoip and Zoom Phone. MITvoip is the authoritative directory for all phone numbers; You log into MITvoip to view/assign the subsystem(s) handling each extension, including physical hardware assignments, Zoom Phone assignments, and so forth. If you wanted to assign another application - such as another PBX - it would likely be done through MITvoip (but we don't have anything like this set up).
Zoom Phone can be thought of as the application run at each branch extension or phone number (which is fed from voip.mit.edu). It is probably possible to direct extensions to an application other than Zoom Phone using voip.mit.edu, should we ever desire to do so.Each branch extension is a phone number within MITvoip/Zoom Phone. MITvoip). This means that the CRE Main Call Tree (Business Hours) is a branch, the CRE Main Call Tree (Off-Hours) is a branch, the CRE Reception Call Group is a branch/number, and so on...
If you wanted to manage the CRE Main Call Tree (Business Hours) branch settings, you would log into Zoom as 617-???-???? and manage the settings under Phone. You can change the settings such as IVR options and the , greeting prompt recordingrecordings, and many other settings in here.
CRE Main Entry Point Number (617-258-5000)