The CRE Call Tree is the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system that callers encounter when calling the CRE main number. This article details how users get around.
For the current call tree, view https://mitprod-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/ce2_mit_edu/EXJj9VrbXlpHsHliarrerG4Bs5GNxxG4-tK8JmQD5tiS-A?e=XkLf8q
This is the tree callers arrive at reach when contacting the CRE Main Entry Point number during business hours.
This is the tree callers arrive at reach when contacting the CRE Main Entry Point number outside of normal business hours.
CRE Staff Directory Call Tree
This is the tree callers reach when contacting the pressing the option for the CRE Staff Directory (Option 4) on the Main CRE Call Tree.
Recorded Voice Prompt
For audiovisual services and classroom support, press 1 (Forwards to Karenina)
For technical support, press 2 (Forwards to Casey)
For finance and grants support, press 3 (Forwards to Constance)
For events planning and catering, press 4 (Forwards to Karenina)
For communications and website support, press 5 (Forwards to Lacey)
For the fiscal officer and ProCard support, press 6 (Forwards to Cheryl)
For Executive Leadership Assistance, press 7 (Forwards to Hannah)
For the administrative officer, press 8 (Forwards to Bettina)
For the front desk, press 0 (Forwards to Reception Call Group - See Below)