1. Is alfresco running? Go to http://thalia-devcms-proto-th1.mit.edu:8080/alfresco for dev and htttp://isda-thalia12.mit.edu:81308080/alfresco for test
If not, stop and start alfresco:
cd /home/repos/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise
2. Is the IME running? go to http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/libraries for dev and http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/libraries for test
If not, can we access the manager: http://thalia-devcms-proto-th1.mit.edu/manager/html for dev and http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/manager/html for test server 2 and http://isda-thalia11.mit.edu/manager/html
for test server 11
If not, are tomcat and apache running? http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org
look at the log file at /home/apache-tomcat-5.5.23www/sash-server/servers/thalia/logs/catalina.out to make sure that tomcat starts with no problems
If the log file complains about address in use:
ps -aux | grep tomcat (how many tomcat process are running)ps -aux | grep alfresco (which one is the alfresco tomcat process)grep java
You will see two sash containers running, one is default and the other is thalia.
Wiki Markup |
Don't touch the alfresco tomcat process. Kill the other tomcat processes listed: kill \-9 \[id for thalia tomcat servers\] on both instances ps \-aux \| grep java tomcat again to make sure there is only the alfresco processno containers running |
then /etc/init.d/web start to start the thalia web server
3. If things still don't work, reboot the entire server:
check the alfresco.log and go to http://thaliacms-proto-devth1.mit.edu:81308080/alfresco/ to verify if Alfresco is running now
check catalina.out to see if there are problems.
log files:
thalia log is at /home/www/thalia/log on the ime server
the catalina.out and sash-server.log in /home/www/sash-server/servers/thalia/logs/ are also important
alfresco log files is at /home/repos/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise/alfresco.log on the alfresco server
the catalina.out at home/repos/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise/tomcat/logs is also important.