1. Start Cloak |
- If the process was initiated by CC Planner, the next step is Project Manager Review.
- If not initiated by CC Planner, the next step is CC Planner Completes PD Form.
| 2. CC Planner Created?XXXXX Cloak |
- If the initiator is the CC Planner the next step is Project Manager Review.
- If the initiator is not the CC Planner then the next step is CC Planner Completes PD Form.
| 3. CC Planner Completes PD Form Cloak |
- CC Planner reviews the process, completes the required fields and selects one of the following actions: Submit, Revise or Void.
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Project Manager Review.
- If Revise Void is chosen the next step is Initiator Review.If Void is chosen the next step is FinishFinish. The process is set to a Void status.
4. Project Manager Review Cloak |
- The Project Manager reviews the process with the option to approve and Submit or to Revise.
- To approve and submit the project manager must complete the required fields including section 9.1 on the process form by choosing the date.
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Planning Manager and Prog. Manager Review.
- If Revise is chosen the next step is CC Planner Revise.
5. Initiator ReviewReviewXXXX Cloak |
- The process Initiator reviews the process, completes the required fields and clicks Reply.
- The next step is CC Planner Completes PD Form
6. CC Planner Revise Cloak |
- The CC Planner reviews the process, completes the required fields, and clicks Resubmit.
- The next step is Project Manager Review
7. Planning Manager and Prog. Manager Review Cloak |
- Project Manager and Program Manager review the process, complete the required fields and choose to Submit or Revise.
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Working Committee Review
- IfRevise is chosen the next step is CC Planner Revise
| 8. System Starts (spawns) 3.01 Milestone Project Estimate processSpawn 3.01a Budget Approval Process Cloak |
- This step initiates a Budget Process
| Cloak |
- The budget process is started.
- The project manager attaches the budget request spreadsheet requesting the Capital Renewal funding.
- Upon the successful spawning of this Budget Approval Process
| Property Office Review StepMM Property Office9. Working Committee Review Cloak |
- In this step the The working committee reviews the budget request
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Property Office Review Step.
- If Put on Hold is chosen the next step is Finish.
| 10. Utilities, O&M and SEG R&M, Utilities, FEG, CC Plnng Review Cloak |
- In this step the CC Planner, Utilities Director, OR&M Director, and SEG Assignor review the process, add their comments and click Submit.
- The next step is Create PD Form
| 11. CC Director, Ops and M&U Directr & VP, CSS Review Cloak |
- Review step for In this step the information entered is reviewed by by the CC Director, Ops and M&U Reviewand the VP, CSS Director.
- When the Submit action is taken the next step is Create PD Form.
| 12. Create PD Form (Mail Merge Step)13. CC Planning Manager Hold - Record Approvals Cloak |
The In this step, the approved Capital Renewal allocation is recorded. When the Create Final PD action is taken the next step is Create Final PD Form. | 14. Create Final PD Form Cloak |
In this automation step e-Builder creates the final PD form. | 15. FinishUpon successful completion of the Final PD form mail merge the next step is Finish. |
Finish |