- Check that the MAP systems users are created, Apache, PHP, and Touchstone are all installed on this system.
Code Block ls -l /home /home/www/apache/bin/apachectl --version php --version /etc/init.d/shibd status yum install php-mbstring yum install php-mysqli
- Get the Drupal install package from the MAP software repository on Trogdor, and unpack it, and install into the htdocs directory.
Code Block scp root@trogdor:/opt/software-repository-tmp/PHP/acquia-drupal-1.0.0-beta1.1877.tar.gz /home/www/tmp cd /home/www/tmp/ tar -xzvf /home/www/tmp/drupal-6.4.tar.gz cdln -s /home/www/tmp/drupal-6.4 cp -a /home/www/drupal cd /home/www/drupal
- Change the DocumentRoot settings to reflect the Drupal directory.
Code Block sed -i s#'DocumentRoot "/home/www/tmp/drupal-6.4/* /apache/htdocs"'#'DocumentRoot "/home/www/drupal"'# /home/www/apache/conf/httpd.conf sed -i s#'DocumentRoot "/home/www/apache/htdocs rm"'#'DocumentRoot "/home/www/drupal"'# /home/www/apache/conf/htdocsextra/indexhttpd-ssl.htmlconf
- Create the settings.php file.
Code Block cd /home/www/apache/htdocs/drupal cp sites/default/default.settings.php sites/default/settings.php chown -R www:www /home/www chmod o+w /home/www/apache/htdocs/sites/default/settings.php chmod o+w /home/www/apache/htdocs/sites/default
- Setup the database.
- Create the database script
Code Block mkdir /home/www/sql cd /home/www/sql cat > setup-db-[dbname].sql create database [dbname]; grant all on [dbname].* to '[dbuser]'@'localhost' identified by '*****' with grant option; grant all on [dbname].* to '[dbuser]'@'localhost.localdomain' identified by '*****' with grant option; ^C cat > rempve-db-[dbname].sql drop database [dbname]; revoke all privileges, grant option from '[dbuser]'@'localhost'; drop user '[dbuser]'@'localhost'; ^C mysql -p < setup-db-[dbname].sql
- Replace the socket setting for PHP with the local MySQL socket, or replace the MySQL server setting with the remote server that hosts the database.
- For a local database, replace the default socket with the local socket.
Code Block sed -i s#'mysql.default_socket ='#'mysql.default_socket = "/tmp/mysql.sock"'# /etc/php.ini sed -i s#'mysqli.default_socket ='#'mysqli.default_socket = "/tmp/mysql.sock"'# /etc/php.ini
- For a remote MySQL server, set the default port and host. Use the remote server's hostname to replace "MySQL server hostname".
Code Block sed -i s#'mysql.default_port ='#'mysql.default_port = "3306"'# /etc/php.ini sed -i s#'mysql.default_host ='#'mysql.default_host = "[MySQL server hostname]"'# /etc/php.ini sed -i s#'mysqli.default_port ='#'mysqli.default_port = "3306"'# /etc/php.ini sed -i s#'mysqli.default_host ='#'mysqli.default_host = "[MySQL server hostname]"'# /etc/php.ini
- For a local database, replace the default socket with the local socket.
- Create the database script
- Bounce the server to bring the added PHP options into use.
Code Block /etc/init.d/web restart
- To run the Drupal install script, go to the base URL of the server.