Wiki Markup |
{div:style=width:300px;overflow:hidden;float:left;} {panel:borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#ddd|bgColor=#fbfbfb} h2. Contents {pagetree:root=@self|sort=natural} \\ h2. On this page {toc:exclude=Contents,On this page|includePages=true} \\ {panel} {div} {div:style=overflow:auto;margin-left:10px;min-height:600px;} \\ h4. Thalia Customers: |
List of Thalia customers (not viewable by the public).
Public Customer Notes (OCW and PSB)
List of feature requests from Thalia customers.
Thalia Service Level Agreements
Support Processes and Policies
Links for Customers:
[|Thalia Customers]
[List of Thalia customers|Thalia Customers] (not viewable by the public).
[Public Customer Notes] (OCW and PSB)
[List of feature requests|Requests by Thalia Customers] from Thalia customers.
[Use Cases |Use Cases]\\
h4. Procedures:
[Thalia Service Level Agreements |Thalia Service Level Agreements]
[Support Processes and Policies |Support Processes and Policies]
[Domain Provisioning Process |Thalia Domain Provisioning Process]
[Domain Qualification|New Thalia Domain Qualification]
h4. Links for Customers:
[Customer Area|Customers' Area] (links to QuickStarts, Known Issues, Roadmap, etc.)
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