h2. Contents
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h2. On this page
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Thalia Project Planning documents
h2. Highlights
[Product Roadmap|Thalia Task Lists and Scrum Notes|https://wikis-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/ZEST/Thalia+Task+list]
[Issues, Risks and Dependencies|https://wikis-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/x/Y4s]
[Thalia Key Dates|Thalia 1.0 key dates]
(These are just the highlights; see the list of child pages below for the full set of documents hereunder.) Roadmap] \- upcoming development plans
[Release Notes|Thalia Release Notes]\- what changed in each release
[Product Development Process |Thalia Team Roles and Overview of Processes] \- how a release is planned, who does what
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