Minutes are in order starting with the most recent meeting first
Minutes Thursday 8.14.08
Present: Jennifer Friedman, Mikki Simon, Tom Rosko, Ann Whiteside, Beverly Turner
QC of the text files from BPI
Mikki is taking the information she already has minus subject terms and working on mapping her Filemaker database into IRIS. Mikki has reviewed ¼ of the pdf documents. She has identified two pdfs that have been a problem this far. The first page is the last page. Some of the overlays didn't come out great but they are okay. Need to speak to Dave at BPI about this.
The maps have been transformed into pdf but we should put the tiff files into DOME because the pdfs are a little fuzzy.
Mikki has been marking which documents may be difficult for transcription.
Stephanie may be able to do some transcription considering her illness however she will be starting the school semester, and working on a book project. Starting August 25th the student workers may no longer be available because of school. We need to find new hires. The group decided to hire two Simmons students to do the transcription. Stephanie has already created a thesaurus so we do not necessarily need a student with an architecture background. Ann will email Martha from Simmons asking for student suggestions and Mikki will write a job description and post to Simmons lists. The students can work from home and must be able to access/visit Archives. Once hired Beverly can manage the timesheets.
Communication with BPI
We have paid BPI for the work and we have overpaid by $1700. BPI will send a refund. Mikki would like to wait until she has reviewed all of the documents before we communicate with them regarding are concerns.
Appearance of Kepes Lynch in DOME
The community and the collection in DOME will have the same name. The original's physical location will be held in the metadata. Until we have faceted browsing this organization will work.
The name of the collection in DOME will be: Perceptual Form of the City
The names do not need to be in the collection title because it will be covered in the metadata.
Cataloguing of the documents
Make sure that Kevin Lynch is a keyword in a metadata but not necessarily in the creator field. If you do not know the creator then you should leave that field blank. Both Kepes & Lynch will be subject headings in all records.
Project Deadline
The group wants a strong deadline for the completion of the project. October 1stwill be the date of the next meeting. In light of Mikki's wedding in October we are asking her to complete the cataloguing of the text documents by October 1st. Not sure when the cataloguing of the images can be completed.
The project completion is set for Wednesday, November 19th and a group meeting has been set for this date.
To do:
Question to Sean: Can we have set search terms in DSpace?
How much have we paid Stephanie to date? We were paying her on a rate of $16/hr.
Mikki needs to train on IRIS. This can happen in the next few weeks.
Mikki will work with Carl on the appropriate version of IRIS she needs and how to get access (may need to contact Tim Rix about access).
Hire students for transcription.
Work with Jolene on a deadline for the image cataloguing.
Minutes Monday 7.14.08
Present: Jolene De Verges, Mikki Simon, Jennifer Friedman, Liz Andrews, Ann Whiteside , Beverly Turner
Photo QC-
Recapped on the QC meeting with Jolene De Verges and Liz Phipps regarding the QC of the photos. RVC will do a quick QC of the photos by opening the photos in Photoshop and making sure the name is correct and no photos are missing.