ISR Blackbox Exercise
Part 1: Start jupyter notebook
For instructions, see
Part 2: Run simulations of the existing Millstone Hill ISR
From the jupyter notebook page, choose ISR_blackbox, then ISR_blackbox_existing.ipynb.
- Choose Cell -> Run All to start the UI. (The code behind this simulation is available in the jupyter notebook under ISR_blackbox ->, if you want to check it out later)
Choose the Millstone Misa ISR in single pulse 480 microsecond mode.
Run for 24 hours during Jan. 1st using 240 seconds of integration at 90 degrees elevation.
Determine how many seconds you can reduce the integration period to and still have less than 10% error at all times at 750 km altitude.
Describe what happens when the integration period gets short (1 second).
- Repeat the second and third steps at an elevation of 4 degrees and a 2000 microsecond pulse and an altitude of 500 km..
Part 3: Build a low power Millstone Hill background ISR
From the jupyter notebook page, choose ISR_blackbox, then ISR_blackbox_new.ipynb.
- Choose Cell -> Run All to start the UI.