Please feel free to add details if they are missing, and to add links to materials where possible.
6/27/22 - General Meeting: https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/event/507/
- Beginning the meeting with discussion about the wiki location.
- Doug does not like the UX of the Github wiki, but the MIT wiki requires an MIT account to access
- Ross volunteers to look into smoothly integrating images into the GitHub wiki
- Doug
- Raises discussion of the milestones made by Richard
- Have a technical design of the experiment by August, implemented in Overleaf
- How should we organize who writes what? Roughly aim to have the proposed institutional responsibilities guide the drafting
- Doug will implement a draft, and move the existing TDR report into a new Overleaf repo
- Some kind of holiday next Monday, so we will cancel the meeting
- Raises discussion of the milestones made by Richard
- Ross
- Workshop
- Sent around draft call for proceedings to workshop organizers and it was approved, so now formally being sent to speakers
- Due August 1, as all Moore foundation money must be spent in the very early fall. Any delay jeopardizes being able to pay for late articles to be published
- Some discussion regarding hard and soft deadlines
- Likely will be fully published by mid-September
- Workshop
- Kate
- Overview of the simulation meeting
- Dean has set up MainzGen code and showed some plots indicating reasonable output of the generator
- In some cases coordinate systems are confusing
- Overview of the simulation meeting
- Doug
- Had the first magnet meeting
- Didn’t get Harald, but had others
- Ernie is going ahead with Harald’s design, but with minor changes
- Aveen asked Harald to change pole shapes to be spherical, which better integrates into EPICS and design models
- Jan is concerned about space constraints
- Had the first magnet meeting
- Aveen
- Other users are present at ARIEL, so spending time in control room
- DarkLight beam tests are currently scheduled for later July or early August
- Doug
- Thinking about going through the beam time authorization procedure for TRIUM to get on site for tests
- Jan
- We should have an abstract submitted. Just one talk, not sure who will give it now, but will have several authors to choose later
- There is a CEU as well so we should send undergrads
- Michael Kohl
- Working with JLab to find a way to set up the detector in such a way that it is externally accessible
- Mike Hasinoff
- Getting a 600-800 ps timing resolution with existing scintillator
- New scintillator ordered and will test shortly with Mainz board
- Prepping for exam
- Same scintillator as MUSE, so should have same signal rise time, likely board is not fast enough
June 16, 2022 - General Meeting: https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/event/446/