- Once you're set up as co-host, you will be able to share your slides.
- If you want to do a tech-check in advance, please let us know (itpartners-plan@mit.edu or Slack).
- If you'd like us to share the slides after the conference, please send them to itpartners-plan@mit.edu and we'll add them to conference wiki.
- Someone from the IT Partners Planning Team will come off mute to give you a 5-minute warning to give you time to wrap up and get to questions.
- Zoom chat will be open for chatter, but we're asking attendees to use Slack (#2022-conference-q-a) to pose questions to our speakers.
- Slack's threading functionality make it easier to keep conversations together.
- Using Slack also means that discussions can continue, if needed, after your presentation (and the conference) are over.
- During the Q&A portion of your presentation, someone from the IT Partners Planning Team will monitor the Slack channel. We'll come off mute and ask you the questions live in Zoom.
- After your session is over, if you'd like to continue fielding questions in Slack, you're welcome to do so, but you don't have any obligation to.
- Someone from the IT Partners Planning Team will be on Zoom throughout the entire conference. We'll be listed as panelists/hosts/co-hosts.
- To chat with us live during the conference:
- In Zoom, send a message to "All Panelists."an IT Partners Planning Team member.
OR - On Slack, use the #2022-conference-logistics channel.
- In Zoom, send a message to "All Panelists."an IT Partners Planning Team member.
- If you have questions or concerns in advance, please reach out to the team on Slack or via email (itpartners-plan@mit.edu).