Instrument | Package/Code | Description | Links/Resources | References |
Chandra/ACIS | mkacispback | A software to generate spectral models for Chandra ACIS particle-induced background, by Hiromasa Suzuki (UTokyo) | https://github.com/hiromasasuzuki/mkacispback |
NICER | nicer_bkg_estimator | The nicer_bkg_estimator tool implements the "space weather" method (Gendreau et al., in prep.) which uses environmental data to parse the background database. This tool uses a model of the magnetic cut-off rigidity as well as space weather data in the form of the planetary Kennziffer Index, or Kp index | https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/nicer/tools/nicer_bkg_est_tools.html Readme: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/nicer/tools/nicer_bkg_estimator_README.txt |
NICER | nibackgen3C50 | The nibackgen3C50 tool (Remillard et al.) makes use of a number of background proxies in the NICER data to define the basis states of the background database. | https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/nicer/tools/nicer_bkg_est_tools.html Readme: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/nicer/tools/README_nibackgen3C50_v7b.txt |
NuSTAR | nuskybgd | Broadband (3-160 keV) background with appropriate response. Produces background models for arbitrary source locations in FoV, and band-selected background images. Authored by Dan Wik, python-port by Qian Wang. | https://github.com/NuSTAR/nuskybgd-py |