- Authority ID (optional): For established entities, this should be the VIAF permalink. Leave blank if it’s a local entity. (Software is unlikely to be in VIAF).
- Source (required): If the entity is established, select “Virtual International Authority File (VIAF).” If the entity is not established, select “Local sources.”
- Rules (required): If the entity is established, select “Resource Description and Access.” If the entity is not established, select “Describing Archives: A Content Standard.”
- Software Name (required): The name the software is generally known by, such as Archivematica
- Version (required if available): Version number of the software if you can find it, for instance 1.10
- External Documents (optional): Click add external document and provide a link to the source code if available, Title: Source Code, Location: link to source code
Accessioning Digital Theses
Theses are accessioned in a similar way as most archival content described above, except there are some specific elements to the process for certain fields and are outlined below.
Theses are accessioned by degree period, so the title should reflect that. Each accession should have a titled formatted "MIT theses transfer. (degree period dates) degree period", for instance, "MIT theses transfer. 2021 June degree period."
Extent largely mirrors the procedures above for digital material (size in MB, GB, TB and number of files listed) but there should also be listed the number of theses transferred. So an example extent would look like this:
- Portion: “Whole”
- Number: Numeric value in megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes
- Type: Megabytes/Gigabytes/Terabytes
- Container Summary: 4000 digital files or 1052 theses
It is sufficient to only list the "Source" for these accessions as there are a large amount of creators. Add a source agent for each department/degree program that transferred theses in this degree period.