8.851 EFT Course Wiki:
This is the wiki for MITx's Effective Field Theory course 8.EFTx851 on EFT.
When we make corrections to the course (particularly those that affect HW answers), we will list them on this Corrected Bugs Page
- Except where otherwise noted we will follow the conventions of "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory'' by Peskin and Schroeder.
- Our convention for dimensional regularization is that d = 4 - 2
. Also Tr(1)=4 even in d-dimensions.Mathinline body \mathbf{\epsilon} - Here are some Common Conventions for the use of light cone coordinates in SCET.
edX References:
- Here is some more information on Answering Questions in edX, which may be useful if you are getting error messages.
Suggestions for further content to add is welcome.