Assume our Alfresco virtualization server is named VIRTUALFRESCO.MIT.EDU with the IP address, although these details are obviously subject to change.
We would like VIRTUALFRESCO.MIT.EDU to be a wildcard subdomain where every name at or under this level will resolve to For example, this may correspond to a zone entry of
No Format |
\*.virtualfresco.mit.edu IN A
Or (if wildcards are not easily supported by MIT DNS) it may be desirable to delegate name resolution within the subdomain to another nameserver under NIST's control. In any case, the net effect is that virtualfresco.mit.edu, foo.virtualfresco.mit.edu, bar.foo.virtualfresco.mit.edu, quux.baz.bar.foo.virtualfresco.mit.edu, etc., will all resolve to the same IP address.
Note that, where
Thus we will not incur problems such as those described in RFC 1535.