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Here is a summary of some of the leading order Feynman rules used in SCET. Note that most Most of this information can also be found in context in the full SCET notes.

![Leading Lagrangian and Feynman Rules Page 1](/c4x/MITx/8.EFTx/asset/images_ImagesForWiki_SCETFeynmanRulesForWiki-1.png)

![Leading Lagrangian and Feynman Rules Page 2](/c4x/MITx/8.EFTx/asset/images_ImagesForWiki_SCETFeynmanRulesForWiki-2.png)

[PDF link for leading Lagrangian and Feynman Rules](/c4x/MITx/8.EFTx/asset/images_ImagesForWiki_SCETFeynmanRulesForWiki.pdf)

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PDF for the SCET Leading Lagrangian and Feynman Rules