- Example for 2017 observations:
Model parameters from the 2017 observations | |
Cross normalization constants from the pairs of observations are shown on the left. Note:
| |
- Communication with the Chandra team is underway to check the Chandra analysis
- The NuSTAR analysis will be redone with the updated calibration released this month (2021 October)
- NICER observations will also be folded into the analysis (Renee Ludlam)
- Analysis will be extended to evaluate within the concordance framework (arXiv)
- Flux ratio examined in narrow energy bands - model independent
- There is some complexity to the XMM spectrum - Felix Fuerst
- with correlated residuals between instruments
- Work is continuing and will include the 2021 XMM-Newton observations as well as the NICER observations.
NuSTAR observations of 1ES 0229+200 - Hannah Earnshaw (pdf)
- Three exposures obtained in August, 2021 (200 ks total)
- Compared to three short (~20 ks each) exposures obtained in 2013
- Spectrum can be modeled as an absorbed power law or a log-parabola continuum
- The source appears softer (gamma 2.03 -> 2.25) and fainter (about 25%) in the 2021 observations compared to 2013
- Even at historically low flux state the source is still sufficient for cross-calibration purposes
Swift-XRT monitoring of 1ES 0229+200
2021 May 13th Working group meeting