DMSE, CMSE, and MPC jointly sponsor a seminar series, dividing the work between Jessica Landry in CMSE, Rachel Kemper in DMSE, and Maria Aglietti in MPC. Sylvija Silvija Gradecak, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, and Francesco Stellacci invite the speakers and act as primary hosts. Kathy Simons and Jazy Ma have worked on the series in the past. Hillary Hilary Sheldon assisted in Spring 2007. The series is budgeted at $25,000/year, with DMSE contributing $15K, and MPC and CMSE each contributing $5K. Time constraints have led us to commissioning a poster template that was designed by Ilavenil Subbiah (617-576-0593, subbiah@comcast.net). Prof. Thomas has requested a postcard or display card listing dates and titles for the upcoming semester; such a card was produced internally and printed at CopyTech in Fall 2007.