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title2.1 Multiphase OA Metadata Production Workflow (Detailed)


title2.1.1 Claiming a task

 After signing in go to the My Account menu on the far right and click on Submissions.



By clicking Submissions, the button should redirect to the Submissions & Workflow tasks page.


Scroll down in the queue until you find an item that is categorized in the “Final edit/approve step.” Check the box(es) for the item(s) you want to catalog and click “Take selected tasks.” Most items edited in the multiphase workflow are deposited by Symplectic Elements. Be sure to check the Submitter column.

When you have selected the item(s) you want to edit they should appear in your task queue:

If you click on one of the item titles in your task queue, you will be taken to the item page where you can see a basic metadata overview and download a file version of the article (usually it is the author’s manuscript version submitted to the collection):

On the same page you will see a menu for actions you can take.

There are five actions to choose from:

    • Approve item: Clicking this button will submit the item and corresponding metadata into the Open Access Collection in DSpace making it live (This is usually the final step in the cataloging process unless it is possibly a duplicate).
    • Reject item: Clicking this button will reject the item and delete it from the task pool. See section 3 for instructions on how to reject an item.
    • Edit metadata: Clicking this button will take you through a series of pages where you can import metadata, make any necessary edits and verify the accuracy of the metadata.
    • Send to Acquisitions/Licensing: If there is missing acquisition or licensing information, send the item back to the Acquisitions/Licensing step. 
    • Cancel: Clicking this button will put the item into your own personal task queue but will not return it to the main task pool. This is useful if you need to return to an item at a later time, need to do more research, or need to ask a question about a given item.

Before you proceed to Phase 1, make sure to download the article pdf. If there is a mismatch between the attachment and item record, send it back to Acquisitions and Licensing step so the correct pdf. Word document versions of the author’s manuscript are also accepted file types for the repository. Sometimes there are supplemental materials attached to an item record; you do not need to download those.

title2.1.2 Phase 1

After clicking “Edit metadata” you will be taken to the item page, which will look similar to this:

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  • Now to do a quick spot check of metadata in the item record you to confirm the author (or ordered author field),article/item title and publication date information is present. These 3 fields are crucial to Google Scholar being able to index our collection and for collection users to do a basic search.
  • Other fields that should already be populated if imported via Symplectic include Publisher, Journal, Identifiers and Abstract. If empty work on those fields can wait until Phase 2.
  • To check the metadata you simply scroll down the item page and on the far left underneath the download section there is a button, Show full item Record, for expanding the item record.
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  • The full item record displays the modified Dublin Core element name for each field which looks different from the labels used in editing:

    o Author (corresponding element = OR Ordered Authors (dspace.orderedauthors)

    o Publication Date (corresponding element =

    o Article/item title (corresponding element = dc.title)

         Below is an example of a full record view:

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  • If the author field(s) are not present but the Ordered Authors field is you will need to open the record to double check if the Google Scholar is enabled to use it for indexing. When have opened the record go to the Ordered Author portion. Underneath the Ordered Authors field is a box labeled Use Ordered Authors instead of separate author entries for Google Scholar. This box contains a dropdown menu; select Yes if it is not already selected.

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  • Additionally, on the rare occasion there is not a publication date, the record may be edited to include the publication year.
  • At the bottom of the page, the metadata status should already be marked as “Authority Work and Publication Information Needed.”

When you are finished with answering the question in the Use Ordered Authors instead of separate author entries for Google Scholar box, click next at the bottom of the page. You will then be taken a page where you can review the attachments. Remove or add files as needed. Make sure to indicate which file is the primary file.

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  • When you are finished reviewing the record, click complete submission to close the record.
  • If you are not already redirected to the item page, go to the item page.
  • Click “Approve” to archive the item. As long as the author, article/item title and publication date information fields are populated, you can approve it immediately to continue the next phase.
  • Always check to see if it is in the task pool labeled as a Claim Duplicate Verification Action item. If it is, check the box next to it and claim the task by clickinTake selected tasks.
  • Image AddedAfter being redirected to the duplicate check page, you will see the item record and, in the middle of the page, a list of potential duplicates. If it is not a duplicate click Not a duplicate and if it is a duplicate click Flag as duplicate.
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title2.2 Works with Many Many Many Authors (WWMMMAs)

