Phase 1 - Go to the Submissions page to claim an item at the final edit/approve step.
- Check to see if the author, article/item title and publication date information fields are populated (in most cases these fields will already be populated).
- Update the metadata status field to “Authority Work and Publication Information Needed.”
- Approve item for archiving. If the item is possibly a duplicate it will move to the manual check for duplicates step.
- Check to see if the item is marked as a possible duplicate.
- If item is not a duplicate cataloger can continue to Phase 2.
Phase 2 - Search the Open Access Article Collection for the item record using “Authority Work and Publication Information Needed.”
2. Click the item title to go the item record page. 3. Create a new version of the item, remembering to update the metadata status field with Authority Work Needed, Publication Information Needed or Ready for Final Review. Phase 3 - When the item record has the Ready for Final Review status, the workflow coordinator reviews the metadata.
- After reviewing status is updated to Complete.
Phase 4 Once an item has the Complete status, metadata remediation will only occur if we get a direct request and/or notification about an error.