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Step 1: Checking the queue
If you see the Needs Staff Review queue under the Reading Room Requests heading, that means there are requests awaiting your review. Double click the queue name to see all of the pending requests. Queues do not appear in Aeon unless there is a transaction in that queue. If you don’t see the Needs Staff Review queue, there are no pending requests that need review.
Step 2: Checking restriction status in the finding aid
Requests will automatically be routed to the Needs Staff Review queue if some variation of the word “restrict” (e.g. restricted, restriction) appears in the Conditions Governing Access note at the collection level (or if there’s a note at the archival object or series level, that’s the note that Aeon will draw from). Therefore, in some cases, you may be able to cancel a request without reviewing the materials (e.g. if an entire collection is restricted). Check the access status in the finding aid first. If you need to cancel a request, see the instructions in Step 4 for when an entire box is closed. If the restriction status is unclear or says that the collection needs to be reviewed, proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Reviewing materials
When possible, we will try to review entire boxes. However, if you are pressed for time, you can just review the specific folder(s) that a user is requesting.
When you double click on a specific transaction and the request screen appears, the title of the folder will appear in the Item Title field, and the URL for the request in the PUI will be in the Record URL field (there is also a field for Folder Number if applicable). See the Access Restrictions instructions for information on how to identify restricted materials.
Step 4: Recording access status in Aeon
Once you have reviewed the materials, follow the instructions below based on your scenario:
Entire box reviewed
Entire box is open
Double click on the blank area near the bottom of the request screen to leave an internal note. Enter “Entire box is open” and click Add.
Route the request using the Place on Hold button in the Home ribbon. If the request is for an activity, the request will just be routed to the activity automatically when you click on the Place on Hold button. If the request is a reading room request, select Item On Hold in Reading Room from the drop down options.
Place a green “Open for research” sticker on the box.
Entire box is closed
- Double click on the blank area near the bottom of the request screen to leave an internal note. Enter the reason for the restriction and click Add.
- Cancel the request and notify the user
- From the Home ribbon in the request screen, click on the Cancel button. Under Reason for Cancellation, choose “Restricted Material.” Check the box for “Send Email.” The “Edit Email” box should then check automatically, but double check that it is checked before you hit the Cancel Request button (ensuring the “Edit Email” box is checked is very important!)
- The cancellation notice email template will appear. There’s a lot of text in this email with all of the potential reasons why a request could be cancelled-- delete everything that’s not relevant under the “Reason for cancellation” heading until you are just left with a statement explaining that the material is restricted and when it will open. When you’re done, click on Send Email.
- From the Home ribbon in the request screen, click on the Cancel button. Under Reason for Cancellation, choose “Restricted Material.” Check the box for “Send Email.” The “Edit Email” box should then check automatically, but double check that it is checked before you hit the Cancel Request button (ensuring the “Edit Email” box is checked is very important!)
- Place a pink "Restricted" folder on the box.
Box is partially open
- Double click on the blank area near the bottom of the request screen to leave an internal note. Enter a brief note indicating that the box is partially open and how many folders are restricted. If the restricted folders are grouped together at the back of the box, indicate this, as well.
- If you have reason to believe that the user is only interested in the specific folder that they requested and that folder is restricted, notify the user and cancel their request following the steps in the “Entire box is closed” workflow. If you think that there are other folders in the box that the user may be interested in, route the request using the Place on Hold button as indicated in the “Entire box is open” instructions.
- Place a yellow “Check for restricted materials” sticker on the box. If the folders in the box are not clearly marked as “ok” or restricted, write those indications on the folders.
Only requested folders reviewed
Folders are restricted
- Same Aeon steps as if the entire box is closed
- Make sure the restriction period for the folder(s) you reviewed (R-20, R-50, etc.) is written clearly on the folder.
Folders are open
- Double click on the blank area near the bottom of the request screen to leave an internal note. Make sure your note clearly communicates that only the folder from this request has been checked and that the rest of the box has not been reviewed. Route the request using the Place on Hold button as indicated in the “Entire box is open” instructions.
- Make sure "ok" is written clearly on the folder.