Updated 12 23 July 20202021
Shipping Chemical Samples - Only EHS can do this. Contact Ky for help in organizing this. Discuss with Ky. This is complicated. Be prepared to fill out a lot of paperwork.
Shipping Biological Samples - This includes nucleic acids, proteins and other biochemical polymers. Ky will ship these for you.
Fill out the form Biological-Material-Shipment-Form 2021.pdf. Fill out only information squared in redform eship global shipping form July 2021 Lu.docx. This is a new form, so please let me know if you find bugs.
Send completed form to Ky, preferably digitally. Because shipments can be delayed by bad weather and other acts of G-d, and end up spending the weekend in Memphis, I prefer to send packages out on Mondays or Tuesdays. If this doesn't work for your specific package, just let me know.