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Report - 2008 06.09 16 to 06.13

TBC EOD 06.17.2008


LMS Development

  1. Calendar: Export vCal and iCal freemarker templates tested against dummy data from the backend
  2. Calendar: Modify template for schedule view to show short week names
  3. Calendar: Changes made to data model to accomplish the above
  4. Calendar: Compared and updated corrected templates and began testing on Amps-prog-5
  5. Gradebook: Merged ajax grade history into trunk to alleviate the script-too-long-http-500 error bug
  6. Gradebook: Refactored cumulative/weighted grade calculations to be done consistently and in one place
  7. Gradebook: Refactored all grade entry to be done consistently and in one place
  8. Gradebook: Normlized weighted cumulative grade in roster view and exported formats
  9. Gradebook: Enabled filtering of dropped students
  10. Gradebook: Fixed encoding problems with entering special characters
  11. Gradebook: Added warning for duplicate assignment titles or short names
  12. Gradebook: Diagnosed and fixed problem with amps-prog-5, classloader issues and incorrect settings in atstellar and courseguide


  1. Code validation/QA of Calendar and skins
  2. Materials page reconfig and prototyping
  3. Modified CAMS login page layout
  4. Mobility: Made final tweaks to before launch of v 1.0
  5. Surveys: Placed updated version to amps-prog-5 for crtitique. Can be reached via surveys link from Removed
  6. Gradebook: Various tweaks to ftl files ( roster.ftl,  details.ftl,  dashboard.ftl,  summary.ftl,  summaryChart.ftl )
  7. Gradebook: CSS adjustments to Gradebook graph
  8. Gradebook: Functional spec updates and information pertinent to test plan sent to QA
  9. CoursePicker/Atlas: Usability testing update sent to stakeholders


  1. Reviewed and updated LMS feature comparison 
  2. Generated end-of-term message to users
  3. Worked with Diane Webster on documentation needs

Report - 2008 06.02 09 to 06.0613

LMS Development

  1. Gradebook: Freemarker templates handed off to UI
  2. Gradebook: jQuery UI date picker implemented
  3. Gradebook: Investigated jQuery flot for summary chart
  4. Calendar: Freemarker templates handed off to UI
  5. Amps-prog 5 set up for general access
  6. Deployed user password changes to database for Stellar-test
  7. Set cronjob for checking pre-registration and registration info for summer 2008
  8. Documented server support changes for issues now handled by OIS
  9. Investigated Safari certificate problem under Mac OS X 10.5.3.  No repro.
  10. Completed Stellar 2.2 Wiki requirements


  1. Stellar demo for Mark Wiklund and Diane Webster from IS&T publishing; Diane is going to help us with documentation for the 2.2 release
  2. Met with MIT medical about potentially using Stellar as a medium for disseminating health and wellness information to faculty/students
  3. Approved summer and fall'08 sites
  4. Set up and populated a Stellar site for Diane Webster (technical writer) to use
  5. Responded to a number of general support issues from SDM related to access to past sites and general awareness about archiving policy
  6. Investigated issue with certificates in Safari on Leopard
  7. Reviewed latest client satisfaction surveys and followed up with unhappy clients
  8. Met with PE regarding use of the Stellar Gradebook
  9. Meeting with Bryan re customer support and RT process

Report - 2008 0506.26 02 to 0506.3006

LMS Development

  1. Stellar 2.2 workplan revisions made, based on new task breakdown
  2. Updated JIRA tasks based on above
  3. Gradebook: Implemented makeup grade functionality
  4. Gradebook: jQuery table sorter interacted badly with our original design for the makeup grade layout (i.e., makeup grades had their own row), had to be redesigned
  5. Gradebook: Implemented letter grades in the back end, began front-end work
  6. Gradebook: Cleared up issues relating terminology, button placement, etc.
  7. Freemarker conversion: done for changeevent, event, pageIntroText, delete and csvCalendar xsl files.
  8. Freemarker conversion: Jquery date and time picker used for setting the event date/time in the template.
  9. Freemarker conversion: Behaviour of time picker modified as suggested by Joanna.
  10. Freemarker conversion: Updated the schedule view template to show up academic events when clicked Show Academic Calendar in the tool.
  11. Kuali student post-conference evaluation
  12. Moodle, ATutor review planning and review
  13. Continued consultant resume reviews
  14. Researched Touchstone and Touchstone CAMS integration development
  15. Completed OTI Web services (both SOAP and RESTFul services over HTTP)
  16. Completed OTI RESTful services support JSON, HTML and XML output
  17. OTI Apache CXF dependency abstracted cleanly
