and answer its prompts, which will hopefully be clear. Remember that the certificate it wants should be enabled for client as well as server use (newly created MIT server certificates should now be so enabled).
The $prefix/etc/shibboleth directory will contain apache.config, apache2.config, and apache22.config, which contain needed and example directives for Apache 1.3, Apache 2.0, and Apache 2.2, respectively; copy and/or include the appropriate file in your Apache config, and customize as needed. The directory also contains a shibd init script; shibd is a daemon that must be running, so should be started at boot time.
The Shibboleth Apache module logs by default to $prefix/var/log/httpd/native.log. This file must be writable by Apache, which may require that you create it manually and set its directory's ownership and/or permissions to allow write access by the user Apache is configured to run under. You may also choose to change the location of the file, by modifying the log4j.appender.native_log.fileName setting in $prefix/etc/shibboleth/native.logger.