- Keywords or tags
- Alt-text
- Caption
- Description
- Source
- Freeform comments
- Related links
- Pointers to uses of the image
- Rating
User searching - locate images based on specified keywords or other metadata.
Federated search API.
Create basic repository structure and place images in the repository. AKA "upload."
Manage multiple file formats (e.g. Illustrator or Photoshop, plus JPEG, TIFF) and multiple resolutions (thumbnail, web res, print res).
Replace or delete existing images.
Also annotations and albums?
The GUI aspect of the tool, defining web browser navigation, thumbnail to zoom view behaviors, rollover, how metadata is shown, etc.
Managing logical groupings of images, e.g. "albums."
Other details of presentation, e.g. animations, transitions.
Rights Management
Includes information related to the source of the image and also downstream terms of its use. When a user downloads an image, it must be made clear what rights they have and how the image must be cited.
Define who can perform specific functions within the repository, especially: