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h3. Who are we?
As an outcome from IS&T Leadership Group discussions, a work group has been formed to define for IS&T what a "pilot" (beside the person or computer flying the plane) is and when we should use pilots. The members of the working group are:
* Laxmi Rao - Academic Computing
* Kyle Pope - Client Support Services
* Jonathan Hunt - Client Support Services
* Darlene Fladager - Relationship Managers
h3. Goal
Our goal is to put together a definition of a "pilot", collect some best practices around when
to use and what makes a "pilot" successful and test our definition and best practices on a couple
of current pilots.
We will also pull together a simple framework and guidelines for pilot inititaion, control
and closeout We plan work closely with the Project Management Team to leverage existing
Potential candidates:
# Altiris for Remote Disk Management
# Bit Locker for Disk Encryption
h3. Definition: PILOT
A Pilot
# Is a Project (complete with scope, deliverables, sponsor, project leader, etc.)
# Has Resources (people time, budget, equipment)
# Answers some Question(s) (e.g., if we build it, will they come(customer demand)? will this
technology work?)
# Has a planned closeout (i.e. go, no-go decision point; if it can't be killed/stopped it isn't a pilot)
# Has an exit strategy for go and no-go outcomes.
# Experimental pilots have a discovery focus and
# Evolutionary pilots have a delivery focus and need to build in a plan for potential support and sustainability.
h3. Current List of Pilots
Starting List:
* VoIP
* Desktop Management
* Stellar Images
* Flexibile cluster work spaces
* Hyperion
* Disk Encryption
To get started, we have divied up IS&T and will be collecting lists of all the current pilot projects.
* ISDA - Jon
* CSS - Jon
* OIS - Kyle
* AC - Laxmi
* TSS - Kyle
* VP Office - Laxmi
{scaffold:name=CSS Pilots}
{table-data:CSS Pilots}
|| Pilot ||Due Date|| Project Manager || Pilot URL || Status||
|{text-data:Pilot} |date-data:Due Date|{text-data:Pilot URL}|{text-data:Project Manager} |{list-data:status}
h3. List of Pilots ISDA (Pilot name & Project lead)
h3. List of Pilots OIS (Pilot name & Project lead)
h3. List of Pilots TSS (Pilot name & Project lead)
h3. List of Pilots AC (Pilot name & Project lead)
h3. List of Pilots VP - Office (Pilot name & Project lead)
h3. Working Group Meetings
* November 15, 2006 [^WIAPWG_Nov1506_agenda_action.doc]
h3. {color:green}Work Completed so far{color}
* Kick-off Meeting - November 15, 2006
* Working group wiki set up - November 16, 2006
h3. TODO
h3. {dynamictasklist:NEXT STEPS} |