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Reserving Rooms

How to Reserve Rooms

The previous secretary should show you how to reserve space when you transition, but if you need a reminder or forget how, this video was made to show how to reserve CAC space, classroom space, and best practices for updated the reservations Google calendar.

Things to look out for
  • BEFORE the Opening of the Books (see below)
    • check to make sure that Sala and KLT reservations are for the right days
      • If these are not in CAC's system, check in with our main CAC contact (as of writing, Meredith)
    • check with other officers if there is anything not in the list below that you want to reserve for
  • At the start of the term
    • Make sure tech week and strike reservations go until 1am not midnight
      • Stage manager/technical director should coordinate being in space and how late with CAC
    • Make sure there are the right amount of tables and chairs on the reservations
      • U-shape for 20-25 people for read-through
      • 3 tables + 10 chairs during table reads
      • 2-3 tables + 5 chairs after that
    • Make sure we have booth space in Lobby 10, or if we have space in the Student Center make sure people are aware of this fact
  • When reserving space
    • with CAC: make sure to put your (or someone who will be around at the time's) contact info as "1st contact" and as second contact. CAC will not let you use a non-kerberos email for the 1st contact.
    • with Schedules: just use as your email, they don't care, and it'll make your like easier.
  • In general, keep an eye on emails from CAC and/or ASA they contain a lot of useful information
