XRISM - (see IACHEC plenary presentation) Eric M.
- Launch likely to be between Sep 2022 - Aug 2023
- Effective area calibration observations will need ~30 ks (or at least 20 ks of overlap with coordinating observatories)
- NuSTAR will be useful to be able to calibrate XRISM instruments up to (possibly) 25 keV
- GTI based simultaneous periods would only be possible for a short time (< 1 day) due to relative orbit precession
- so aim for overlapping start/stop coordinated scheduling of calibration targets
- Crab will be used to calibrate effective area of RESOLVE
A/I Meet to discuss details of coordinated calibration observations at least 3-months before the official launch date to give time for missions to organize targets/scheduling
The potential of 1ES 0229+200 for calibration - Norbert Schartel & Felix Fuerst
Presentation: 20210513_IACHEC.pdf
- Motivation - Calibration model differences between NuSTAR and XMM-pn - soft excess?
- Is this caused by dust on mirror (or loss of mirror shells)?
- Blazars are good calibration sources - flat spectra between 200 eV and 15 keV
- Hence 3C 273 - (Swift monitoring) but this is bright of some missions and may some complexities to spectrum in this energy range
- Mkn 421 is difficult to model SED
- 1ES 0229+200
- XMM-MOS1 and PN can be fit with very simple power law + absorption
- Good fit of Power-law extrapolated to UV-Optical (XMM-OM)
- Flux is ~ 20% of 3C 273 so exposure time allocation will be larger but this may avoid pileup in sensitive missions
- Conclusion - Unique chance to calibrate from UV to X-ray
- Caveat - Source is variable - blazer! see Swift monitoring - so would require ~simultaneous observations (within ~few days)
- Past XMM and NuSTAR observations (separated by years) does not show evidence for significant spectral change (but observed at different flux levels)
- Target is not bright enough for INTEGRAL calibration observation
- For Swift the target may be too bright for PC-mode (pileup) but too faint for WT-mode - Jamie K.
- XMM + NuSTAR observations planned for 2021 July-August
- Swift observations will be requested - maybe multiple to examine variability
- Will ask for Swift-UVOT UV filters for cross-check calibration of XMM-OM
- TeV observatories HESS, MAGIC, and VERITAS have indicated they may join the campaign (likely with radio coverage)
- We encourage all missions to join cross-calibration campaign
- Swift observations will be requested - maybe multiple to examine variability
A/I Dipankar B. will check if this is a good target for Astrosat
A/I Karl F.+Norbert S.+Felix F. will discuss with Chandra about whether there is possibility for joining next year (this year may be difficult to organize)
A/I Jamie K. will check with Andy B. about whether Swift would be able to join (in PC-mode?)
A/I Karl F. will check with NICER team and insight-HXMT
A/I Eric M. will investigate if 1ES 0229+200 may be too bright for XRISM (pileup)
The Working Group report will be given at the Spring working group meeting on Tuesday, May 18th (1400 UT)