Our goal is to put together a definition of a "pilot", collect some best practices around when
to use and what makes a "pilot" successful and test our definition and best practices on a couple
of current pilots.
We will also pull together a simple framework and guidelines for pilot inititaion, control
and closeout We plan work closely with the Project Management Team to leverage existing
Potential candidates:
- Is a Project (complete with scope, deliverables, sponsor, project leader, etc.)
- Has Resources (people time, budget, equipment)
- Answers some Question(s) (e.g., if we build it, will they come(customer demand)? will this
technology work?) - Has a planned closeout (i.e. go, no-go decision point; if it can't be killed/stopped it isn't a pilot)
- Has an exit strategy for go and no-go outcomes.
- Experimental pilots have a discovery focus and
- Evolutionary pilots have a delivery focus and need to build in a plan for potential support and sustainability.