- Completed new semester image tweaks to Stellar home page
- UI CAMS meeting
- Completed Gradebook workflow diagram updates
- Began CAMS Login page layout redesign
- Began design of CAMS and core icon for WAYF login page
- Stellar 2.2 review meeting: https://wikis-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/stellar22/UX+Mindmeld
- Updated UI tasklist for Stellar Fall release
- OTI: PHP SOAP client completed.
- OTI: demo completed and shared with CCSS team
- OTI: Working on enabling JSONP (cross domain ajax) for RESTFul web services
- OTI: Started on unit tests for web services
Community Tools and Applications
- Met with Staff Diversity council regarding Wiki use
- Contaced Jive for more specific explanation of ClearSpace SSO integration
- Experimented with using php SOAP client to populate Clearspace groups and spaces
- Worked on
- Reset some configurations on confab http and tomcat servers so app can reliably find latex utils for plugin operation
- Wiki presentation at IT Partners conference
- Discussed Moira web service issues, possibilities for Confluence with Dave Tanner
- Put together environment for building new MIT Confluence theme for 2.8
- Clearspace meeting with IPS
- Investigated Jira data report in Thalia project
- Fixed a bug that caused some non-MIT users not to get permissioned properly in Confluence under the right conditions
- IDN Steering group meeting- MIT membership in inCommon is imminent
- checking of current installed Confluence plugins against v. 2.8. most ok so far; scaffolding plugin problematic -- broken in 2.8 default theme, but works properly with 'classic' theme
- Began testing Moira web service
- Continued investigation of problematic scaffolding plugin in Confluence
- Continued working on checking, identifying necessary modifications for Confluence MIT theme against 2.8Got app certificate from NIST so begin testing Moira web service
Community Outreach and Research