Keep the same naming convention that was created in last week's meeting on 5/12/08
Naming convention for files :
Use: KL_000001_001_sv.TIFF
<Project Prefix><six digit item unique ID number><item image #><version/derivative type>.<file extension>_
Walk Walked through:
- Rights mgt. (copyright)
- Who owns copyright
- What are the usage
- right
- Provenance
- Location (Rotch, Archives)
- Photos-descriptive
- Title
- Creator
- Dates
- Location of the physical location - site
- Location of the physical location - site
- Location - content
- Location - item
- Geospatial coordinates? (level 2)
- Physical size of photo
- Subjects
- Description
- Work type
- Physical description
- Collection Name
- Relation
- Text-descriptive
- Work type: Street interviews, directional, project documentation
- Text-administrative
- Folder/box names
- "maps"-descriptive*
- "maps"-administrative
- Folder/box names
*The map (hand drawing) with the overlay is a new object. The overlay is what is important and it becomes a new map.
Summary of the group's metadata choices:
Administrative:- Rights
- Rights mgt/ usage/copyright
- Provenance
- Collection Location (Rotch, Archives)
- Folder/Box Names
Descriptive:- Title
- Title
- Creator
- Dates
- Location (content, item, geospatial coordinates)
- Subject/keywords
- Descriptions
- Type (worktype)
- Physical Description
- Collection Name
- Relation
Discussed cost estimates for capturing metadata.
Sean says: What should we spend on cataloguing?
RVC thought that cataloguing their staff was suppose to do the cataloguing as part of their workflow already. Jolene and Ann should not have cost recovery , photograph since the photographs out of the Kepes-Lynch are from RVC and therefore there should not be any cost recovery for capturing metadata.
May 30thAgenda:
1. Recap of last week's discussion