tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\templates\webscripts or \tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\extension\templates\webscripts
The script config xml is at:
Source code for java classes exposed by webscripts are at:
To invoke a script with a ticket:
append "alf_ticket=xxxxx" at the end of the webscript url
Expose your own java classes for use in webscripts:
use the examples in
put the jar file in tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\lib
define the *context.xml file in tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extension (use the model in tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\script-services-context.xml)