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The FIREHOSE pipeline is currently under release via anonymous svn.  This allows us to implement bug fixes quickly in the early phase of public use.  Once we have obtained sufficiently stable builds, we will tag them and release to this site as tarballs.on github.  

The package consists of a suite of IDL routines plus some archived calibration files.  After downloading, you can read the installation instructions for information on how to unpack and configure the software.



On a terminal, change to the directory where you wish to place the reduction codes.  Typically this would be in ~/idl or some such location as in $(IDL_LOCAL).  Then type the following command:

Code Block
svn co svn:// FIRE .  [NB: Note that some users report that "svn co" does not work but "svn export" works properly]

This connects you anonymously to our code repository server, and will place the necessary files in a new subfolder named FIRE.  In the future, if the instrument team announces significant updates to the pipeline, you may download these by changing to the install directory and typing

Code Block
svn update

The FIREHOSE github repository is now hosted at the following location:

This will be the location of all future releases, and in time may archive other dependencies including xidl, idlspec2d, and other packages if they become otherwise unavailablewhich will synchronize your local copy of the code with the most recent version in our servers.

Release History

v1.3 [beta] - 08 / 26 / 2011
