Nicole and Darcy put project in context. Been looking for method of doing subject guides more easily for a while, and LibGuides fits. Has great features, affordable, but... easy to make ugly.
Our job is to make guidelines for design on pages (ex., # of tabs, limit of tab title size, show/hide/moderate comments, good names/standards of names to call each box).
Style sheets can only do so much: can't change size between boxes, but we can change fonts, header, footer; Darcy's working on moving last updated date, hiding page subtitle. She'll tell us when she makes changes in CSS, and we can give her feedback.
- Review charge, and make sure it's realistic.
- Discuss timeline
- Next steps
- Get everyone trained on LibGuides (Thursday, 5/15), if needed; go through admin features, etc.
- Everyone make a sample research guide by next week. We'll use these to discuss start discussing what works (and what doesn't!).
- Think about best practices. Look at current subject guide web guidelines for inspiration.