Versions Compared


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Please copy the thaliaModel.xml from thalia-test to production and restart the alfresco server

3. Documentation updates

Please copy  the static webfiles from svn+ssh:// to the document root in production.

The directories to be copied are




The document root on production is /home/apache/htdocs.    The end results will be




The test servers have been synched with the Tagged release files.  You may do a recursive (!!!)  scp:

//login to production machine

cd /home/apache/htdocs

//make new dirs

mkdir about

mkdir quickstarts

//login to

//docroot is different on test, which will be corrected later

cd /home/apache-tomcat-5.5.23/webapps/

scp -r help/* root@<production host>:/home/apache/htdocs/help/
scp -r quickstarts/* root@<production host>:/home/apache/htdocs/quickstarts/
scp -r about/* root@<production host>:/home/apache/htdocs/about/

//Quickstarts will take a while, since they're big video files.

To test:

Go to Added; -  it should redirect to the project page at  and show  /help/index.html 
Click on SUPPORT or navigate to /help/help.html  - it shows the table of contents
Open the Getting Started page, and select Quickstart Videos from the links
Click on one of the quickstart videos. It opens in a new tab or window.