TH-959: backend support for psb shopping cart feature"
TH-956: add a servlet to download item thumbnail/medium/large images
TH-966: cache the entire user list for every domain instead of caching the users individually"
TH-962: cache the metadata mapping for each domain"
TH-961: identify default library in the get /libraries call and get rid of the get /library call"
TH-895: The backend needs to filter out user names
TH-881: bulk import should take both file name and filename
TH-769: bulk import should include free-form tags
TH-968: add tracking gif to index.jsp
TH-973: 'View shopping cart' functionality"
TH-974: Delete items from shopping cart"
Part 3 (April
29, 2008)
TH-769: bulk import should include free-form tags
TH-960: backend api improvement (parent task)
TH-969: cache domain category info (should be tested and closed by the backend)
TH-970: output category info for items (should be tested and closed by UI)
TH-971: update the backend api doc (should be tested and closed by UI)
TH-984: header "filename" will create a category
TH-985: bulk upload with metadata doesn't handle quotes for free-form tagging
TH-992: update sample metadata file
TH-975: PSB Shopping cart: Process form and send emails
TH-972: 'Add to shopping cart' functionality
TH-911: PSB shopping cart: Add "Help" button with information on buying images
TH-912: PSB shopping cart: form to process buying images for PSB
TH-910: PSB shopping cart: "add to shopping cart" button