- ISG update
- Services promotion group (ISG/CFG )- working on mockup of library quick start page to be embedded into all stellar course pages; working with Nicole to make user friendly
- Communication policy group - hitting interesting point; have inventory of all email and forms across system that require answer from person; working on consistent policy everyone can use for things like turn around time; getting back to the user, etc; Trying to create a single place where users can ask all things - currently instruction services still has instruct-lib email address; research consultations; dspace, ask-us; password account; e-reserves, etc. Document delivery coordinating group (CGDDCG) working with ISG separately to come up with a single page to ask for materials in the libraries (. Christine Quirion is on both groups), so that the two pages do not overlap; Want to come up with model and policy to be reviewed throughout system
- Fines, core competencies - still working
- UIG update
- working on subject pages for databases (vera); Many of humanities subject pages are broad - and are very similar in use to vera database pagesubject pages. This might be something RISG could consider as we recreate subject pages in the future; maybe should change from subject guides to "research" guides; Will always have to be a centralized system for databases - track licensing, access, etc.; Many subject pages created to work around long lists in vera; Subject guides can be more niche specific
- Vera move The public face of Vera is moving away from filemaker pro - use xlibrisSFX instead; can organize, rank, divide topically; Want to get vera done before fall; then review all subject guides; shift to research guides? Work with libguides?; maybe get rid of publication type as a category if call them research guides; Hopefully will become more clear as vera pages come together
- PSLG update
- Revisiting assessment cycle/process
- What is PSLG's role in assessment? - will watch that any new projects will have assessment attached to them and follow up; Try to do something similar with services; but not figured out yet; Want to get away from making assessment a project (ISG - assessment was not a project)
- Assessment plan had 5 benchmarks - PSLG took data already gathered Trying and trying to figure out how well assessing for the benchmarks; if people using stats in more useful way then maybe they will be gathered better or differently
- For RISG: make sure any of our new projects include assessment and services;
- PSLG has seen this already starting to happen - example: instruction plan has assessment built into
- "Desperately seeking citations" (article suggested by Maggie) - discusses faculty giving students broad topic; students don't know how to focus topic; could acrl standards shape themselves to respond to this? Dealing with lost students regularly at reference desk; if topic in field major then easier to figure out because familiar already. Role of the librarian vs role of faculty member in shaping the topic - article notes librarian needs to proselytize to the faculty; job not to decide topic but give them guides for how to learn about - librarians provide basic resources to help contextualize topic for field and start searching - role of the librarian
- What does our program do for the students at MIT? Goals of what our instruction program are; undergrad = first focus; end of freshman year goals vs end of senior year goals (Learning outcomes). Most freshman take 3.091 and an expository writing class - setting up basic standard instruction to these classes would create a basic level of knowledge that would reach the entire freshman class; instructors could build on this basic platform of library knowledge. The ACRL literacy standards are too broad and vague, but the science and engineering standards are more tangible and applicable as a starting point and they are relevant to more areas than just science and engineering
- Data = some data is easy to access, some is not, some is in formats that are very complex to work with, others are simple; Proprietary vs not; already created datasets vs having to manipulate data from multiple sources for a project; many users have no concept of these issues when getting started; its an interdisciplinary issue - ESL, Dewey, GIS, & Humanities regularly experience the challenges of working with users falling unexpectedly into these challenges
- We can add to the perception-of-relevance surveys from IAP. Will also talk to Rudy about what's applicable to grad students; would standards like this be applicable to grad students or only good for undergrads? For graduate students we may want to use something more simple/tangible?
-Reference Vision -Can we discuss how we'd like this presented at PSLG and, time permitting continue our discussion on this?-30 minutes
What is reference at our libraries now?
- Hayden at desk - mostly doing citation support / help people find something
- Ask Us! - us email - citation support and direct to research support
- Dewey & Rotch & GIS - every day questions that could take hours to days; they come in during scheduled and unscheduled times and via email, some via ask-us
- Barker and Science reference questions tend to come to individuals via email (some through ask-us), not coming at the desk * What is our new vision of what reference is?
- It's time intensive; can start anywhere; does happen much less at the desk than it ever has at the desk
- We will send what the Ref Vision report we currently have to PSLG, but clarify we it's a progress report and we are still figuring out next steps *
What is our new vision of what reference is?
- We are doing both intermediated reference and supporting self help; reference and usability and access merging together
- What does this mean about the reference staff and what our work consists of?