The oxidizer angle and fuel angle are the angles between the respective fluid streams to a normal line of the injector plate, as shown in Fig. 3. These angles are calculated by balancing each of the stream’s lateral momentums to achieve a desired resultant angle. For a resultant angle of 0, the angles would be chosen such that each stream had the same (but opposite) momentums. They are also constrained by specifying a desired impingement angle.
Fig. 34: Definitions of injector geometry parameters.
Fig 4. 5: Momentum balance equation that calculates a center line angle gamma that can be used to derive both orifice angles. This calculates a gamma for a 0 degree resultant (beta).
Impingement Angle
The impingement angle is the angle between the fuel and oxidizer streams. In our research we found that 60 degrees is the optimal impingement angle [citation1].