Meeting Minutes - Take minutes during meetings. Email out all officer meeting, BoT, EoT, and MoST SWanky (retreat) minutes. Make sure to organize the minutes (typically, as one google doc with a table of contents linking to specific meeting minutes using bookmarks).
Reserve Rooms - Reserve rooms if the Stage Manager is not at MIT student or unavailable during the day, for both rehearsals and events (BoT/EoT, Ensemball, etc).
Respond to Emails - Respond to emails sent to ensemble-request.
Documents - Be responsible for all the documents relevant to the Ensemble, such as this one.
ensemble-town-crier alias for town-crier for show publicity
ensemble-new we are gradually getting rid of this list
ensemble-interest-yyyy contains cpw and midway interest from each year
ensemble-tech phase out this list?
ensemble-audition phase out this list?
ensemble-directors those directors who have worked with us in the past
ensemble-director-search those directors who have interviewed with us and who we liked (but didn't end up working with)
ensemble-directors-request for managing the director lists
- BEFORE the Opening of the Books (see below)
- check to make sure that Sala and KLT reservations are for the right days
- check with other officers if there is anything not in the list below that you want to reserve for
- At the start of the term
- Make sure tech week and strike reservations go until 1am not midnight
- Stage manager/technical director should coordinate being in space and how late with CAC
- Make sure there are the right amount of tables and chairs on the reservations
- U-shape for 20-25 people for read-through
- 3 tables + 10 chairs during table reads
- 2-3 tables + 5 chairs after that
- Make sure we have booth space in Lobby 10, or if we have space in the Student Center make sure people are aware of this fact
- Make sure tech week and strike reservations go until 1am not midnight
- When reserving space
- with CAC: make sure to put your (or someone who will be around at the time's) contact info as "1st contact" and er@mit.edu as second contact. CAC will not let you use a non-kerberos email for the 1st contact.
- with Schedules: just use er@mit.edu as your email, they don't care, and it'll make your like easier.
- In general, keep an eye on emails from CAC and/or ASA they contain a lot of useful information