- file: the path that the package/folder/file is located. If describing a restriction of the entire package, this will always be just "objects". In the case of folders or files you will list objects/ first and then the rest of the path. If your content is in a bag, you will need to put /data instead of /objects for folders and files so Archivematica looks in the correct place.
- basis
- status
- determination_date: the date you determined the statute applied to these records, most likely the present date. It is in YYYY-MM-DD format. This only used for restrictions with the basis: statute. It will allow us in the future to determine what version of the statute was in place at the time of the determination.
- jurisdiction: the jurisdiction where the statute applies, it is not used for the other restriction types. This will be entered using ISO 3166 country codes, most often being "us" for United States
- start_date: the start date of the restriction, if on the package or folder level, the oldest dates within the grouping.
- end_date: the end date of the restriction often the restriction time period after the start date (the start date plus 50 years for instance). If on the package or folder level, this will be the date plus the restriction period of the newest file with a restriction (newest file date plus 50 years for instance)
citation: the citation to the statute relevant to this description. The most often used are FERPA, Massachusetts CMR subsection 17, and HIPAA. - note:
- grant_act
- grant_restriction
- grant_start_date
- grant_end_date
- grant_note