This set of news stories related to Google developments was culled from a variety of sources, including the NY Times, PC World, Technology Review, InfoWorld, and Wired. Please add more, or leave comments on how important you think they are in the Sandbox!
Google to Branch into Television with New Search Feature
Google's reaching into the television with its new search service, further blurring the lines between the PC and the TV.
Google and the Coming Search Wars, Revisited
Charles H. Ferguson spoke in January, and our readers responded. With their prodding and his foray into the open source world, Ferguson updates his Google cover story. By Charles H. Ferguson
Google Gets Earthy
On Tuesday, Google launched Google Earth, a free software package that gives detailed, 3-D views of cities across the globe replete with thousands of restaurants, schools, hotels and other establishments. It also provides amusing motion graphics of the route between locations or 3D cities.,1282,68042,00.html
Google's Library Project Challenged
Google Inc.'s plan to digitize the collections of some of the world's biggest libraries is facing stiff criticism from a group of academic publishers who complain that the project may violate copyright laws and hurt book sales.
Google's Move into IM
The search giant's new IM product, Talk, is newsworthy – but probably won't overturn the telecommunications industry. In fact, the recent move by Skype may be more ground-breaking. By Eric Hellweg
Google Maps Make Demographics Come Alive
Tracking sexual predators in Florida. Guiding travelers to the cheapest gas nationwide. Pinpointing $1,500 studio apartments for rent in Manhattan.
Google Maps Tinkerers Make Demographic Data Come Alive
Industrious individuals are using Google's powerful mapping service to assemble visual information on everything from high-crime areas in cities to apartment rentals. By Greg Sandoval
Google Unveils Video Viewer
Google launches a video viewer for watching and searching video stored in the company's servers. Google Inc. on Monday launched a video viewer for watching and searching video stored in the company's servers.