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  • IAPril:
    • Bioinformatics for beginners - this week;
    • Endnote - Anita & Peter;
    • Tracking citations with web of science - Michael Noga
  • Started as ESL thing and ESL provides refreshments but turning into system wide thing; can change advertising for Julypril JulyAP if this is an issue for things like EndNote


-Spring Seminar Update --Heather -5 minutes *

  • Still looking for a person to come address issues / provide examples around: Outreach innovation, publicity, public relations
  • The person who Heather was in contact with about this won't be able to make it; Suggestions tended to be for people who are not from this geographic area, so Heather is working on contacting people to line up someone who won't have to travel extensively.

-New Membership --putting out a call for new members -5 minutes *

  • Peter will put out a call to all-lib

-Possible new way of creating subject pages- Remlee, Nicole, and Nicole Darcy have been testing a new way of creating subject guides. Remlee will show us and ask for feedback. -15 minutes* *


  • They are testing this site as a possible new solution for creating and maintaining subject guides without having to know dreamweaver or html
  • It's a fairly young system and involves a subscription, but schools like BC are already using it. Provides easy to use tools to copy already created pages, set up options for rss feeds, letting users provide commentary; can have people vote on things, easy to put your contact info, link to tutorials in techtv, podcasts, make multiple people editors, tags and tag clouds, etc.
  • This has the potential to be used for both subject guides and course pages. Dreamweaver guides already in place would not transfer, so one would need to rethink their existing pages and the code is not really editable on the libguides site.
  • If you are interested in helping test the system and providing feedback about what is good and bad about it email Remlee and she'll tell you how to access it during our 30 day trial period. Nicole is thinking about putting something like this in place by this summer. She will also think about how to keep some consistentcy consistency amongst the library site, but people would be able to choose between the new and old systems.
