Please list any known issues you discover here.
If a .vmss (VMware suspended state) file is around when you launch a VM, networking can be irreparably broken even if the VM had previously been halted. The only fix seems to be to remove the .vmss file from the VM directory.
I've seen Kerberos tickets and tokens disappear on a running VM, long before they're due to expire, for no obvious reason.
I've had problems running the VPN in the host OS. Running it in the guest seems to work for me.
Time sync is wonky with VMs. This should be explored further and documented. Early reports are that it can get out of sync by significant amounts (hours) fairly quickly. This has been seen to happen even if the VMware Tools time synchronization option is enabled. On Athena virtual machines, this kills Kerberos and AFS since these depend sensitively on time.
VMware Fusion Virtual Machines are automatically excluded from Time Machine backups. This appears to be in response to an apple bug in 10.5 that may have been resolved in 10.5.2, though there is no formal word from VMware.See for more info.